New Focus Films is a video production company specializing in audience-targeted, marketing content for startups, corporate brands and documentary series.
new focus films video marketing startup corporate crowdfunding product video colorado production

For those of you running your own business, you may have wrestled with the name for a while.  With brands like Apple, we know that your name can just about be anything.

What’s in a name?  
The name can inspire trust, raise a suspicious eyebrow or worst of all, do nothing.  
Names like Warner Brothers, Kellogs or Toyota refer to some mysterious persons who started something long ago.  This is what works for law firms.
As for a brand new business, it requires something memorable, but how do we know what that is?
 If Apple can be memorable, than anything can, right?
We started with the name Video Juice Media in the summer of 2014 when realizing the growing need for great video production with an understanding for marketing.  After several months however, we (Rebecca and I) wanted to grow the business in a more refined way.  With the aim for a higher end promotional product, we felt that the name “Video Juice Media” no longer suited us.
And so, another tedious search for a name ensued.  The thing about media companies though is that if you type into GoDaddy just about any word in the English language and follow that with Media, Productions, Films or Video, it’s likely that that domain already exists.
We went through hundreds of names.  Some were available and I bought the domains, but there was still no juicy, lit-up feeling that clearly pronounces YES!
Finally, after a few days of meditation, I come to New Focus Films.  And the domain was available and that was that.
From the advice of our good friend and brilliant marketer, Chris Groutt, we decided to add “An Abraxas Media Company.”  We did this partly because we know that other companies may follow.  New Focus Films is our commercial video company, but we also have a film production company, El Duende Productions and a video marketing training company called Business Video Tutor.  There will likely be more, and to tie them together, we have our umbrella company, Abraxas Media, LLC.
Some day, perhaps, you will know of Abraxas Media just as you know of Paramount Pictures or Canon.  Not impossible.
Have you had a name change?  How many have you gone through already?  I’d love to know in the comment section below.
matt abraxas colorado videographer new focus films video marketer

~ Matt Abraxas
Creative Director
New Focus Films
Fine Art & Filmmaking

Picture of Matt Abraxas

Matt Abraxas

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