What is the real difference in having a professional handle your video production?
A great video does not come down to whether or not your camera has image-stabilization. It comes down to knowing what you’re doing. Just a few examples:
Do you spend your spare time studying commercials, movies, tv, etc? Skills can be taught, but talent comes from the earnest desire to improve. A video that represents your business, and in many cases will be the only part of your business people will ever see, should not be made like a pastime hobby.
There’s nothing compared to the experience that comes with testing, learning, toiling to improve and bringing all of that sweat, blood and tears to the perfection of your professional video.
The price tag of equipment makes no difference. If it’s a matter of shooting a great video on an iPhone, that can be done, however, it certainly does help when the equipment is a higher-end product, as long as it’s in the hands of someone who truly knows how to use it.
One of the most often overlooked piece of equipment isn’t even a camera, it’s the audio gear. Sound is the subconscious crux of every video, and if the sound is off, the video does not work.
So, what is a bad video? It’s not hard to find, really. Most videos on YouTube are not a business video, but as a video blog (or vlog), they’re just fine.
To create a promotional video that stands out as your business salesforce, what matters most is capturing attention and maintaining it.
In the following video, while the shot is nice enough, the video drags on and gets dull very quickly. At only a 1 minute, 41 seconds, it seems too short to lose any attention, but it does just that.